Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I am writing a memoir of my friendship with two wonderful people, Rene And Liz Cera. They were both artists, Liz more a poet and Rene more a painter, who lived in a beautiful world that no longer exists. They passed on in the 1990's after long and creatively rich lives.

Rene Cera was a close friend and colleague of Marshall McLuhan. He was a wonderful teacher in his own right.

I am looking for photos of his paintings, of which there are hundreds. I want to publish the photoes with the memoirs because they really constituted a powerful statement as a group, a kaleidescopic view of an inner universe. The individual pieces offer only glimpses into the depth of this great artist.


Ann said...

We are wondering if this blog is still being used? We were friends with Rene and Liz Cera, and have some of his paintings.

helene.fillet@laposte.net said...

I have a sketch of my grand-father drawn by Cera at the end of 1914. They were both soldiers together in Pont-St-Esprit, awaiting to be sent to the front.


Bruno GOYENECHE said...

Je suis interessé à propos de René Cera : avez vous d'autres renseignements ou source sur cet artiste ?
Il était le camarade de mon père étudiant comme lui à l’École des Beaux Arts de PARIS en 1911 à 1914.
F 06100 NICE

Unknown said...

I don't know if you are still collecting information about René Cera, but he often stayed with us in Montreal during the 1960's. His wife Liz (ex Trott) was one of my mother's oldest friends. We have several sketches of hers (and about 50 batik silk scarves) and three of Renés paintings. We may still have some of the many letters, some with messages from René but mostly Liz, and photographs of them together - René never without his hat!
